SequaHold Wound Closure Device
Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device is packed in poly/paper pouches, then into cartons and shipper cases. The packaging configuration is shown in the table below:
Regular Sizes
Qty per box
Qty per shipper case
10 boxes/shipper case
10 boxes/shipper case
More sizes can be provided on customer request.
Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device is sterilized by Ethylene Oxide (EtO).
Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device is CE marked under EU Directive 93/42/EEC, and is available for distribution globally excluding UK.
Simple use.
Reduces tissue trauma and improves comfort.
The product can be applied to irregular wounds without restriction of wound dimensions.
Needle-free suture helps to reduce wound infection rate.
Needle-free suture on the scar surface accelerate wound healing process without secondary damage.
Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device is indicated to close acute wounds such as lacerations and surgical incisions. Wound Closure Device could also be used in conjunction with skin sutures for large wounds.
Instruction for Use
Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device IFU
Previous Versions of IFU
Click here to view the previous of Sequa®Hold Wound Closure Device IFU